The registration for the Fall Beaveree is closing October 25th.
Find details at:
Past Beaver Colony events and info.
The registration for the Fall Beaveree is closing October 25th.
Find details at:
Come camping Out of This World! There will be lots of games, fun, and even some STEM activities!
Where: Apple Hill Scout Reserve
When: June 7-9, 2019
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, May 29, 2019, end of day
The camp information document is here
The camp registration form is here
Calling all White-Tail Beavers and Howler Cubs!
Come for a taste of the youth-led activities you can enjoy in Cubs or Scouts next fall. Activities (separate for Beavers and Cubs) are planned and run by Scouts (supported by Scouters).
Registration and payment
Included in information package
What you need to bring
Need info? Want to help? Send an email to
May 10 to 12 at Apple Hill Scout Reserve
Join us at Apple Hill Scout Reserve (near Maxville, about an hour from east Ottawa) for a weekend camp that prepares White Tail Beavers for Cub Scouts, and Howlers for Scouts.
Calling Odawa youth and Scouters!
If you’re a Scout, Venturer or Rover who’d like to come and play for the weekend and show some youth leadership, let us know. We’re recruiting the camp committee now. It’s a great way to earn volunteer hours. Planning and running a camp looks great on your resume, too.
If you’rea Howler Cub Scout or White Tail BeaverScout, ask your Scouters to plan to come to this camp so you can preparefor advancement to your next section.
Scouters, worried about ratio? Never fear! You can bring a group of youth even if you have only one Scouter. We’ll be camping close to one another, and the other Scouters at camp will be able to help ensure that the two-deep rule is followed.
Registration and payment
Seeking crest designs
Need more info? Want to help? Send an email to Scouter Susan at liddlesj at
Ahoy Colonies! The Fall Beaveree be fast upon you!
When: Nov. 17, 2018
Where: R.J. Kennedy Community Center in Cumberland.
Registration due by no later than Saturday, Nov. 9th.
Arrr! Don’t forget yer paperwork, which has all the details you need: PDF: 2018 Fall Beaveree Registration Package MS Word: 2018 Fall Beaveree Registration Package
Be sure to email that to Scouter Suzie on time!
Calling all White Tail Beavers and Howler Cubs! Come for a taste of the youth-led activities you can enjoy in Cubs or Scouts next fall.
Where: Apple Hill Scout Reserve
When: May 11 to 13, 2017 (Friday night optional)
Activities (separate for Beavers and Cubs) to be planned and run by Scouts, with the help of Scouters.
Registration due Friday, April 27, 2018.
Download the form for more info:
Date: Saturday, November 4, 2017
Location: RJ Kennedy Community Centre, 1115 Dunning Rd., Cumberland, ON K4C 1P6
Registration: Email rainbow.beavers at no later than Wednesday, October 25, 2017.
Registration form: Odawa_Fall_Winter_Beaveree_2017_Info_Registration
Cost: $15 for all Beaver Scouts; $7 for Scouters/parents.
Check-in and payment:
Lunch is included:
Be prepared: It is November. Programming takes place indoors and outdoors, so dress for the weather!
Opening: 10:00 a.m. in the field behind the community centre.
Closing: 2:00 p.m.; pick-up immediately afterwards.
Who can attend:
Not to be confused with the Council event a couple of weeks later, which you can find out about at the Council website.
The top section awards for Beavers and Cubs for Odawa Area (North Star Award and Seeonee Award) will be handed out on Sunday morning at the year-end camp. The top awards for the older sections, Chief Scout Awards and Queen’s Venturer Awards, will be handed out on the Friday evening of camp.
Date: June 11, 2017
Time: Morning, during Scouts’ Own
Where: Apple Hill Scout Reserve
Print off the junior section certificates ahead of time and bring them to Apple Hill to hand to the youth. If you wish to purchase a plaque, you can do so at the Scout Shop.
If your Beaver or Cub wants to receive his or her North Star Award or Seeonee Award at the Odawa Area June Camp on June 11, please email Susan Liddle at liddlesj at with your group name and the youth’s name BY JUNE 7, so we have an idea of how many youth will receive an award.
Parents\family welcome. Bring chairs and bug spray.
Modifiable and printable version of the North Star Award certificate here:
Modifiable and printable version of the Seeonee Award certificate here:
Odawa’s year-end camp is coming up soon! Some of our youth have been working hard to plan the activities, and it’s looking to be lots of fun. We hope you’ll join us!
Camp Info Odawa June Camp 2017
Registration Form Odawa June camp 2017
Key dates and information:
Hope to see you there!