Date: Saturday, November 4, 2017
Location: RJ Kennedy Community Centre, 1115 Dunning Rd., Cumberland, ON K4C 1P6

Registration: Email rainbow.beavers at no later than Wednesday, October 25, 2017.
Registration form: Odawa_Fall_Winter_Beaveree_2017_Info_Registration
Cost: $15 for all Beaver Scouts; $7 for Scouters/parents.
- Pay by cash or cheque (payable to “SCOUTS CANADA ODAWA AREA”).
- Payment due at the event for the total listed on registration form; no refunds from Area.
Check-in and payment:
- 9:30 to 9:50 a.m. (no earlier!), inside the community centre (one Scouter per Colony).
- Gather your Colony outside at the front of the community centre with a designated Scouter from your Group.
- Once all youth are present, have one Scouter per Colony check in at the table outside the gym in the lobby.
Lunch is included:
- Each participant will receive 2 hot dogs, 1 juice box, 1 bag of chips
- Lunch orders will be prepared for your group. When lunch pick-up is called, please have ONLY 1 Scouter come to pick your Group’s box of food.
- Special requirements: On the registration form, mention if you need any vegetarian or no-pork meals, and how many of each. This will help us make sure we have appropriate food on hand.
Be prepared: It is November. Programming takes place indoors and outdoors, so dress for the weather!
Opening: 10:00 a.m. in the field behind the community centre.
Closing: 2:00 p.m.; pick-up immediately afterwards.
Who can attend: