Odawa Area Chief Scout Award/Queen’s Venturer Award Ceremony

Not to be confused with the Council event a couple of weeks later!

The Odawa Area Chief Scout Award/Queen’s Venturer Award Ceremony will be held:

Date:   June 9, 2017
Time:   Dusk – arrive by 8:15 and gather in Kitchener field to be escorted into the Chapel Area
Where:  Apple Hill Scout Reserve


Groups are to obtain the certificates through normal Council processes (applications submitted to Lynn Levitan – llevitan@scouts.ca).

Bring Certificates to Apple Hill

If your Scout wants to receive his\her Chief Scout\Queen’s Venturer Award at the Odawa Area June Camp, please email Susan Lepine at scoutersue@4thorleans.com with your group name and the youth names BY JUNE 7 so programs can be printed.

Parents\family welcome.  Bring chairs and bug spray.